Odoo HIPAA Compliance Implementation by O2B Technologies

In the world of digitalization, every piece of information gets its electronic form, and so do health and personal information. Since this information is very sensitive, critical, and could misused, securing this type of data is most important. In some countries, laws and compliance are defined to protect these types of data.

As these sensitive informations are being guarded, so are the systems that are involved in catering to such information. Therefore, every such system needs to follow some kind of compliance, HIPAA is one of them.

What is HIPAA?

HIPAA stands for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and was introduce in year 1996, by US Federals. It is designed to protect the ePHI (electronic Protected Health Information) of patients from misuses or any kind of threats.

The main reason behind introducing the HIPAA to medical industry was to safeguard the sensitive informations and improve the medical world.

HIPAA has two basic rules that are security and privacy rules. Let know them in details

What is Hippa
HIPAA Privacy Rules

HIPAA Privacy Rules

HIPAA privacy rules are applicable to the information i.e ePHI data of any patients, while supporting the individuals rights. This rules focus on the following keynotes:-

Safeguarding the privacy and security of an individual's PHI through contracts, policies, and procedures, staff awareness training, and a breach notification process.

Granting rights to individuals concerning their PHI through patient rights forms, policies, and procedures.

HIPAA Security Rules

HIPAA security rules works on system level, means it is applicable on softwares and systems that are involved in medical related process. It is not inclined toward sny particular technology or system, every system based on any technologies should follow this rules. It mainly focus on the following keynotes:-

Securing ePHI from hacking, theft, or misuse involves deploying firewalls, antivirus software, robust password protocols, security logging, physical building security measures, screensaver locks, encryption, media access controls, and guidelines for destruction and disposal.

Ensuring that ePHI is not destroyed and is available by implementing onsite and offsite data backups, antivirus software, and a disaster recovery plan.

HIPAA Security Rules

HIPAA and Organization

When it comes to HIPAA regulates any organization under two main category which any organization can fall.

These are categories:-

Covered Entities

Covered Entities

These entities are the main sources of ePHI, it means where any ePHI was firstly generated. They are the one who maintain a direct relationship with the individuals whose PHI is stored. They include organizations like healthcare providers, health plans, and healthcare clearinghouses.

Business Associates

Business Associates

In this section, those organization are covered that often develops any kind system or provide services that revolves or cater informations like ePHI. These are generally third parties that are recongnized as business associates in HIPAA, and they must sign a contract before starting any kind of operations.

Odoo and HIPAA

Every other companies in medical world, want their ERP solution to be HIPPA compliant, but within budget. To make any system a HIPAA compliant, these feature are need to follow:-

Automatic Log-Off System

The system should have a feature of automatic logoff.

Strong Password Policy

The system should have a strong password policy for better protection.

Role Based Acess Control

There should role based access to the system.

Encryption and Decryption

Encryption and description should be followed while transimiting the data

BAA Agreements

All third parties should sign BAA agreement for protection of the data

Consider O2B Technologies, a certified Odoo partner are your HIPAA-Odoo associate and explore how they modified the Odoo a ERP solution into HIPAA compliant system.

Odoo and HIPAA